A Message From Our Artistic Director to Our REP Family and Lyceum Theatre Patrons

March 20, 2020

Dear REP Family and Lyceum Theatre Patrons,
It has been a week since the unthinkable happened: we opened our production of House of Joy on Wednesday March 11 and closed the show the next morning. The acting company and I were in shock. What happened to the baby that was just born?
This morning, I walked into the Lyceum Stage and was hit with a swarm of emotions. The floor had been freshly painted, the house lights were all on, the carpet was freshly vacuumed and there was no one in the room. The stage was empty. The seats were empty. I felt as I often do that I was inside a cradle. But the cradle was empty. There is nothing as empty as a theatre with nobody in it.
I write to you with deep wishes for your safety and health in these unprecedented times. The staff of San Diego REP are mostly working remotely, observing safe distancing recommendations. All of us are very busy working on the future. There is nothing we wish more than to see you in the seats, our actors on the stage, and the stories that enrich our lives being told and shared. I have always said that there is no San Diego REP without the meeting of audience and artists. The day that we can all meet again will be a day I will never forget.
In the meantime, we want to stay connected to you, our REP family. Beginning next Thursday, March 26, "REPresents" will share weekly spotlights on creatives and creative work, theatre updates and things keeping us curious and entertained as we prepare for the future when our doors are open again. We will be sharing updates on our next production Hershey Felder, A Paris Love Story, written by and starring Hershey Felder, that begins in May; details on our new season which begins in August; an inside look at the special work happening to prepare for our Lipinsky Family Jewish Arts Festival beginning in June as well as our Latinx New Play Festival to be held over Labor Day weekend. You’ll also hear personally from the members of the cast of House of Joy about the profound impact this play has had on their lives.  If you are not already recieving our weekly emails, click here to sign up.
Although times are hard at the moment, we know this will pass. All of us at The REP are doing our best to stay healthy and safe, while working toward the future with optimism and excitement.
We are on the job. We are thinking good thoughts about you and for you. We are here to talk on the phone or via skype or via email. Feel free to call us, write us, email us. We are theatre artists and we are your neighbors.
A vibrant theatre is defined by the power of the partnership between artists and audiences. We love our artists and love our audiences and look forward to the day when we can make magic together again.
In partnership,

Sam Woodhouse
Artistic Director, San Diego REP